What's On
Services, Meetings and Events
11.00 am - Morning Worship
11.00 am - Kidz Zone & Teen Zone
6:30 pm - Contemporary Praise & Worship
9.15am Tullibody Tiny Tots
10.00am to 2.00pm - Church open for private prayer and contemplation
7:00 to 7.30 pm online - Meeting for Prayer (see What's On for details)
7.30 to 8.30 pm online - Bible Study (see What's On for details)
2.00 - 4.00 Craft Class
7:00 to 9:00 pm - Guild second and fourth Wednesdays
7.30 to 9:00 pm - Music Group practice (every second week)
2.00 pm online - Short Service (see What's On for details)
6:00 pm - Choir practice in the Hall
11.00am - 1.00pm Singing for Memories (Monthly)
1.00 - 3.00pm Social Club for Adults. All welcome
Because we know that God loves everyone we are keen to make everything we do accessible to all.
There is easy access both to the church and to the hall
We can supply the hymns and readings in large print.
For those with a hearing aid, there is a loop system in the church.
If you find it difficult to access what we do please contact us. We will be pleased to see what we can do to help.